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蔡大明 博士




Antonio Y. Reyes

Tony Y. Reyes  is a Film Director and Producer from 1984 – Present.  He hasdone 102  films for top productionoutfits here in the Philippines.  As a Film Director he was able tocontribute 34 years of his life giving the Filipino moviegoers, films that willmake them enjoy watching movies.  Hestarted out directing action movies then shifted to comedies and became theBlockbuster Director of Joey De Leon & Rene Requiestas, Vic Sotto, the Kingof Comedy, Dolphy and the King of Action Movies, Fernando Poe Jr.

Kevin, Jar-Ferr Yang , 楊家輝 教授

3D和VR科技盛行,成功大學今天宣布成功研發出首套超高畫質3D及 VR電視廣播系統,只要在製作端解碼,就可在不更改電視廣播設備下,直接在3D電視裸視觀看3D影 片。 成大這套超高畫質3D及VR(虛擬實境)電視廣播系統,由成大電機系教授楊家輝團隊開發出來的,學術用語是彩圖置中景深包裝格式(Centralized Textureand Depth Packing),簡稱CTDP技術。 楊家輝指出,過去3D影片只能在電影院或仰賴特定螢幕搭配穿戴裝置觀看,不夠便利也不經濟。即使 製作端是3D影片,傳送到現有2D電視用戶時,螢幕也會顯示出左側彩圖、右側黑白圖的雙畫面,完全 無法觀看。 不過,透過CTDP技術解碼,可讓一般電視機也能因應不同需求,從機上盒切換,選擇紅藍3D或眼鏡式 3D或裸眼3D等影片。若觀眾使用3D電視,更不用任何穿戴裝置,就能裸視體驗3D視覺效果,且可支援 一般電視機觀賞2D內容或利用紅藍眼鏡觀賞3D節目。

李超  總裁/CCDL

1976年首先提出室外彩色大屏幕理論,1988年,李超率領其團隊在北京先農壇體育場建立了中國第一套室外成彩色大屏幕,1989年,在北京工人體育場為第11屆亞運會安裝整套大螢幕顯示系統,1998年,在悉尼戰勝其他所有公司中標所有第27屆奧運會使用LED大螢幕。自1990年開始研發3DLED顯示系統並於1997 製成第一套"電子快門型"LED顯示系統,2009年製成第一套"狹縫光柵型"裸眼型LED顯示系統,2011年製成第一套"雙路全高清"偏振型LED立體電影放映系統並于當年提出"LED電影院"和"LED立體電影院"的概念,申請專利並獲批准,於2013年製成世界第一套"LED立體電影院"。LED1986年被國家科委授予國家有突出貢獻專家,享受國務院特殊津貼,是中國圖像圖形學會立體專業委員會高級顧問、中國3D產業聯盟高級顧問、中國LED顯示界唯一國管專家和武漢科技大學特聘教授。

John North


John North has a 45-year history in media production and technology development, first as a member of the design and technical staff for major studio and stage venues in New York City and across North America, including Metropolitan Opera, Juilliard School, Radio City Music Hall, New York Shakespeare Festival, and the broadcast studios of the NBC and CBS television networks. For early- and mid-stage venture capital start-ups, John has been involved in dozens of projects to define, design, and build new products or services targeted for use in professional and consumer markets, including desktop video hardware, interactive television infrastructures, multi-language publishing platforms, asset management databases, and Quality-of-Service optimizations for packet-switching networks. In addition to ongoing studio management and audio-video production responsibilities, John is currently the English-language editor of 'ICT Insights' magazine for Huawei Technologies Co, Ltd. 

王敬朝 Steven Wang 

Since early 2016, Mr. Steven Wang was invited to be our adviser. With his studies in CS in Japan, Mr. Wang had extended his 3D stereo broadcasting knowledge while working under Panasonic and KDx in China. Mr, Wang has produced the 14 episodes of 3D Sing China 2016 TV shows, and also a 4K 3D stereo full-length Movie. Mr Wang's contribution to AMia has advanced our advanced imaging knowledge sharing on 3D Movie and TV works. Mr. Wang is currently assisting the AMia to develop various collaborations in China. 

Professor Jeffrey Shaw


Professor Jeffrey Shaw has been a leading figure in new media art since the 1960's. In a prolific oeuvre of widely exhibited and critically acclaimed works,he has pioneered and set benchmarks for the creative use of digital media technologies in the fields of virtual and augmented reality, immersive visualization environments, navigable cinematic systems and interactive narrative.Shaw was founding director of the ZKM Institute for Visual MediaKarlsruhe (1991-2002), and in 2003 he wasawarded an Australian Research Council Federation Fellowship to co-found anddirect the UNSW iCinema Centre for Interactive Cinema Research.Since 2009 Shaw has been Chair Professor of Media Art at City University in Hong Kong, where he is also Director of the Centre for Applied Computing and Interactive Media.

馬志輝博士(Henry MA)

香港理工大學設計學院副院長,原多媒體創新中心主管、數碼媒體(榮譽)文學士課程主任、北京電影學院動畫學院客座教授、天津美術學院客座教授。于2007年及2012年分別獲第一屆香港數碼娛樂業風雲人物(教育界 )獎和第七屆中國創意產業年度大獎中國創意產業領軍人物獎 (龍騰獎)。馬博士畢業于香港演藝學院科藝學院、英國列斯特大學工商管理學院及大眾傳播研究中心。馬博士活躍于媒體創作工業,曾參與舞臺,電影及電視設計及製作,他亦曾任音響工程學會香港分部主席、現任香港電腦圖像專業學會名譽顧問、香港數碼娛樂協會副主席。馬博士曾擔任香港電影金像獎、香港獨立短片及錄影比賽、香港數碼娛樂傑出大獎及香港藝術發展局電影及媒體小組委員會資助計畫評審委員。馬博士研究範圍包括動畫創作,多媒體設計及創意產業,近年主要集中于研究創意及創意專才的管理方法。

李英洛教授 (Anthony Lee)


-Professional Adjudicator: HK FILM AWARD(香港電影金像 -專業審裁員)

-Executive Committee Member (by invitation): FEDERATION OF HK FILMMAKERS(香港電影工作者總會 - 受邀請執行委員會委員)
-Vice President / Executive Committee Member:HONG KONG FILM DIRECTORS' GUILD(香港電影導演會 - 副會長 / 執行委員會委員)
-Principal: Master Class in Film Directing (HONG KNG FILM DIRECTORS' GUILD)(香港電影導演會 - 電影導演教室 / 校長)
-Committee Member of Administrators: 4th FILM PROFESSIONALS TRAINING PROGRAMME(電培4管委會 -會員)
-Guest Mentor: MASTER CLASS IN SCRIPT WRITING(「編劇大師接班人」培訓課程 - 嘉賓輔導導師)
-Vetting committee member and mentor: ANIMATION STARTUP SCHEME(動畫支援計劃 - 審核委員會成員 / 導師)
-Vetting committee member and mentor: HKAIM MICROFILM PRODUCTION SUPPORT PROGRAM (MUSIC)(微電影「創+作」支援計劃(音樂篇) - 審核委員會成員 / 導師)
-Part time lecturer – HONG KONG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY(香港科技大學 - 兼職講師)
-Retired Professor of Practice: HONG KONG POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY/ SCHOOL OF DESIGN香港理工大學 /設計學院 - (專業應用教授)

黃宏顯  (Eddy Wong)



文潔華 Eva Kit Wah Man


Jacques Stroweis 稻白 Visual Effect Supervisor

Jacques Stroweis is an Oscar-nominated VFX Supervisor/2nd Unit Director with expertise in stereoscopy and emerging technologies that include VR and Virtual Production. He has over 20 years of experience in production from design to delivery. Jacques has worked on film sets across the globe from Hollywood to China, with some of the world's top action directors, James Cameron and John Wooamong them. Jacques holds an Oscar and Bafta nomination for Best Visual Effects on James Cameron's True Lies." He is a member of the Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences (AMPAS), the Directors Guild of America (DGA), and the Visual Effects Society (VES)

Le Bao Trung 

Mr Le is a  Film Director,who is finishing Directing Course of UNIVERSITY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA(USC) - USA Outstanding graduated from University of Vietnam Movie,The only Vietnamese director attending Asia 3D filmmaker course Director LE BAO TRUNG gain success of many high box office movie and being 1st 3D movie film maker in Vietnam Achievement:
o Tên tiêu tièn tàn tiện (Silver Prize Short Film Festival
o Xuât giá tòng phu (Prize Short Film Festival 2003) 2000)
o Hai âu (Golden Prize of Vietnam Film Festival 2003)
Một chuyến phiêu lưu (Silver Prize of Film & Television Festival 2004)
o Dé muón (Mai vàng Prize 2006)
o Bao Mau Siêu Quay (Golden Kit Recognition 2015)

陳世庸 Shaun Chen


周國忠 Tony Chow Kwok Chung


1963年出生於廣西南寧。 1988年畢業於中國美術學院(原浙江美院),畢業後在廣東珠江電影製片廠工作,擔任影視編導,拍出了許多耳熟能詳的影視廣告作品,如《步步高無繩電話——許曉力篇》系列、《海南航空——雲篇》、《步步高——李連杰篇》、《紅塔集團——山高人為峰》等,作品屢獲國內外大獎,被譽為中國獲獎最多的廣告導演。 2004年調回母校中國美術學院,從事影視動畫的教學與研究工作。








Philippe Gerard

Philippe Gerard is currently movie director and CEO of Eyedream Ltd,Hong Kong as well as Creative Chief Executive at JetOneMotion, HK. He was CEO of the production company 3DLIZED, France that produce his 3D feature film "On a Long Breath" awarded in South Korea.Philippe is both a creative person and an engineer since he earned a PhD in Artificial Intelligence and has a Master's degree in Electronic as well as a Master degree in Movie direction.He is specialist in special format such as Stereoscopy, Virtual Reality,Augmented reality, Artificial Intelligence, interactivity and he is passionate about any creativity using high tech and new medias.Philippe has been awarded in various area such as emerging technologies at Siggraph Los Angeles, Best national and international content awards.he created content for prestigious people and events: Luc Besson, David Guetta, Nintendo World, Orange, musical Dracula with Kamel Ouali, etc...He was also been hired by the french government (ANR: National Research Agency) to be in  charge of the selection and following research and developpement projects in audiovisual, cinema and robotic,  funded by France. In charge of a  230 Millions HK$ budget a year and  300 partners such as laboratories and private companies.He thinks that when the same person merges art and science, the creativity is absolutely unlimited and love to push the boundery of feasibility of things on a daily base
His latest work: 4D VR simulator Scary Elevator, Participate to 360 city bus tour for Dubai shot in Paris, Directed a 360 documentary for the New york fashion show...

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